In this tutorial, we have modeled Spiral Staircase using Array Modifier. And then, we model a handrail.
How to make a Spiral Staircase in Blender

In this tutorial, we have modeled Spiral Staircase using Array Modifier. And then, we model a handrail.
Follow Path Constraint is used to animate the tire along a specific path. Tire is rigged with an empty which rotates and moves it. Constraint is applied to the empty object.
In this tutorial, we rig a tire. Rigging is used to control objects using Armature and empty.
In this tutorial, we are going to model tire using modifiers. And, we are going to model the treads of the tire as well. We shall use the Shrinkwrap modifier to place the treads around the tire. Blender 2.90 is used.
Make a connected chain link using Array Modifier and Curve Modifier. We Object Offset to see how it affects the array modifier.
Create Domino run in Blender. With the help of Rigid Bodies, we can make Awesome Domino Run in Blender.